Kulich is Easter holiday bread made with candied fruits and nuts. You can taste Kulich only on Easter Sunday after all rites. Some people bake small Kulichs fr everyone, other prefer one big cake for the whole family. It is also a tradition to bring Kulich with you as treaty when you are invited as a guest to Easter table.
1 c milk
1/2 yeast stick
7 oz sugar
7 oz butter
3 ea eggs
white raisins
4 c flour (more if needed)
measures conversion [+]
Dissolve yeast and 1 teaspoon sugar in a small quantity of milk. As soon as the yeast mixture rises, pour in the rest of milk, beat in eggs and whip carefully. Add sugar, combined with cardamom and nutmeg, and melted butter to the mixture. Then pour in flour slowly, stirring carefully, so that there aren't lumps. It the end, stir in raisins. Then divide dough in loaf cakes, depending on the quantity and size of molds, and put in molds. Cover with a clean towel and leave to rise in the mold. It the dough is good, it usually takes 2-3 hours. After that put in a preheated oven and bake on average heat until light brown. Don't open the oven often; otherwise Kulich won't be light and fluffy. Check the readiness with a wooden stick - put it in the Kulich. If the stick is clean, the cake is ready and can be taken out.
Cuisine: Russian
Source: Olga Timokhina's collection
Recipe category: Breads-and-Pastry > Breads,
Breads-and-Pastry > Cakes,
Breads-and-Pastry > Other