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The temptations of pelmeni
The temptations of pelmeni
Just ONE is called a "pelemen." But many are called "pelmeni" and they are one of the most traditional (and delicious) of Russian dishes. Making or eating just one is near impossible. continue...

Georgia on my menu
Georgia on my menu
W hen Lenin predicted the suffering to come under his successor Stalin, with the words "That cook will concoct nothing but peppery dishes", it was no accident that he chose a culinary metaphor. continue...

Russian bread is everything head
Russian bread is everything head
Bread has always been considered as the wealth of the Rus. Give us this day our daily bread… Slavic people mainly grew wheat, barley, oats, and millet. Rye bread became Russia's real "daily bread", even though it had come to Russia from outside. continue...

Traditional Lent menu
Traditional Lent menu
What was served during the severest 40 days of Great Lent at ancient times of Russian cuisine? The most popular dishes were pohlebki (vegetable soups), polevki (corn soups), soloduha, kulaga, tolokno, oat kisel with oil, baked potatos, sauerkraut, pickled mushrooms, porridges and different vegetables. continue...

First 7 Great lent days (Pervaya Sedmitsa)
First 7 Great lent days (Pervaya Sedmitsa)
The first Monday of Great Lent is called Clean (Chisty) and on Clean Monday everyone grieved for Maslenitsa that were accompanied by fisticuffs to shakle out all the blinis and by bania treatments. continue...

Pancake week
Pancake week
The first day of the Pancake week is called "Meeting". The people of one village went to visit those from another one and to show themselves. People gathered at highlands and ice hills. continue...

Russian Samovar story
Russian Samovar story
Samovar is a pure Russian find for tea. Tea was firstly presented to a Russian tzar by Mongolian khans and later the samovar's "grandfather" came to Russia from Persia. continue...

What is Russian salad?
What is Russian salad?
Just before the Great Patritoic War, Russian people didn't know this foreign word, not talking about the dish. Only the people who went abroad and learnt a couple salad recipes from French cuisine could offer something like salad on their Russian table. continue...

Goose in the Rus
Goose in the Rus
From time immemorial goose was a delicious dish not only for simple people, but even "many excellencies" couldn't tear themselves from roast goose. On 15 September (by old calendar style) there was a holiday called Nikita-Goosyatnik (Goosyatnik is man who breeds geese). continue...

Favorite beverage of our great-grandmothers
Favorite beverage of our great-grandmothers
Kvas is one of favorite refreshing Russian beverages. In all probability, the Slavs knew about Kvas long before the foundation of the Kiev Rus. The word Kvas is Russian by origin and means " sour beverage". continue...

Russian sumptuous feast
Russian sumptuous feast
By tradition, having invited guests to celebrate the occasion, we organize a dinner-party. A well-dressed table, flavored of aromas from delicious dishes, makes people closer, relieves a stress and disposes to a friendly warmhearted conversation. continue...

Easter, the day of Jesus' resurrection is considered the biggest event in spiritual life of a believer. "Easter Kulich" see recipes Last days of Week - Maundy Thursday, spiritual purifying, Good Friday, Jesus sufferings, Holy Saturday, the day of sorrow and at last Blessed Sunday had a symbolical effect on folk tradition, rites and Easter table. continue...

Holiday table
Holiday table
We always try to surpass ourselves preparing a holiday table. We dig out grandmother's cook books, invent new dishes and we exhaust ourselves just for silent approval and "harmonious mastication" of our guests. continue...

A cup of tea please !
A cup of tea please !
 If you ask any habitant of Russia what he drinks most often, the only possible answer will be "tea". In fact, tea has become real national Russian beverage for last two centuries. continue...

How we celebrated Russian Christmas
How we celebrated Russian Christmas
We adopted a baby girl from Russia who is now 2. I also have a 9 year old daughter of my own. We thought this might be a good year to establish some Russian tradition and teach my older daughter a bit about Russia. continue...

Russian Schi
Russian Schi
Schi took a special place among national soups. Historians suppose that this dish was known long time ago before Baptizing of the Rus. Once all soups were called Schi. continue...

Kasha in Russia
Kasha in Russia
   It is not by accident that Slavic people had grain and groats as a symbol of home and good housekeeping. There are many Russian fairy tales, songs and proverbs about kasha. continue...

Russian New Year and Cristmas today
Russian New Year and Cristmas today
All right, if you insist :), I 'll tell you about our Christmas holidays. First of all we don't celebrate Christmas on 24 December. continue...

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